Who Makes Von Payne Black?
Whenever anyone asks “Who makes Von Payne Black” we are proud to be able to say that we do! Von Payne Black is a unique blended whiskey created by Von Payne Spirits, founded by Steve Allen in Clearwater, Florida.
We are an owner-operated company that makes a damn good whiskey! Learn more about Steve’s Journey of bringing the PAYNE to the WORLD!
From the Founder.
W hen I started this journey, I wanted Von Payne to be a totally unique and different drink that would bring friends together to have fun and expand the possibilities of their adventure. Something for me to express myself that would be a little part of how others might express themselves.
I formulated Von Payne because of my lifetime of living in fringe cultures and the inspiration/spark provided by a day out boating with my twin daughters and their friends (all of drinking age!). I was the designated boat driver wanting to keep my kids and their friends safe, while enjoying some adult bonding time with them. I wasn’t expecting what happened next. I watched, shocked, as they poured vodka straight from the bottle into their mouths. The painful expressions on their face, the wincing, and their dedication to get through the moment all to “Get their party on.”
I asked, “Why??? Why not make a mixed drink or do shots of something better?” They responded, “We don’t want to get bloated and Fireball will make us sick, tequila is awful and we don’t like Jager.”
That day I left thinking there is something missing from the market. This tribe of young women and their friends, many with tattoos and a modern sense of style, lacked a specific liquor of their own; one that would start their adventures, had a great taste profile, was as edgy as they were and would help identify them apart from the others. As young professionals they have the means and desire to invest in their identity and their experiences. Why not turn the pain of their experience into pleasure!
Our slogan was born. “The Pleasure of Payne.”
I also felt having been a part of many subcultures growing up and in my life: nerd in high school, bouncer at after-hours Punk bottle club in college, extreme sports and tattoos later in life, I wanted to create a brand that made a personal statement. I wanted to develop a product that tasted great, appealed to my own creative expressions and would be fun to share with my friends and others.
Thus, the adventure began. What exactly am I going to make? At the time, I was enjoying Whiskey as my drink of choice. But not just whiskey, I was drinking Old Fashions. It’s a strong drink that tastes great. Von Payne would need to taste great, but I wanted it to have a truly unique taste profile. I visited countless distilleries and tasted everything “Different” I could find.
I knew the taste profile I wanted and lucky for me, I couldn’t find it! I wanted something slightly tart, slightly sweet with a pleasant kick that said this is different. I wanted something great to have as a shot, straight-up, over ice or as a mixed cocktail and most of all, I wanted it to make a statement while being fun to drink.
I did a lot of research online for potential tasty ingredients that leaned to the tart side. The thought of another apple, cherry or lime with vodka was nothing new, unique or appealing. I really wanted a new whiskey that stood on its own.
I was talking to my wife, Kiely, and discussing my thoughts on the taste I was searching for, “Tart.” She suggested black currant. “What is Black Currant?” I asked, having never heard of it. “I used to scoop black currant ice cream at Haagen-Dazs when I was in high school,” she said. Back to Google. I typed in “Black Currant” and hit Search. Two major things came out of that search. First, Black Currant is an awesome “Supper Fruit” with great taste and anti-oxidants. Second, it is illegal to grow Black Currant in the United States (or it used to be), so no wonder I had never heard of it. And, how cool to have something that used to be illegal in my drink. I hoped it tasted as good as it sounded. So, I ordered everything I could find. From the US to Europe, I needed to experience Black Currant.
Using my kids and friends as guinea pigs, I worked on the formulation and infusion for months to get it right. What emerged was simply WOW! I had never tasted something like that, and I had never seen a beautiful deep red color like that before. My kids, my friends and even my wife agreed.
Then I turned my focus to the packaging. I wanted something to free the inner spirit, something to hint at the darker side we sometimes hide from others. Something dark, sexy, and beautiful. The first thing that entered my mind were images of a gargoyle with large wings. It was dark, interesting, and inspiring and I imagined my liquor flowing from its mouth as you poured it. The gargoyle was a striking presence that is unafraid of the world. I tried many designs and 3D printed them all until perfect. The shape of the bottle needed to be sexy and elegant. Again, designing many versions and 3D printing until what was in my mind was reality. It was my passion and creative outlet for over two years.
The response has been so amazing and overwhelming. I am so grateful to everyone who has helped guide me and provided input along the way.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed bringing it to you.
My Best to All,
Steve Allen
Founder, Von Payne Spirits, LLC